Societal Challenges (Health+IMI)
MyPal: Fostering Palliative Care of Adults and Children with Cancer through Advanced Patient
- Principal investigator: Prof. Šárka Pospíšilová, Ph.D.
- Acronym: MyPal
- Project partners: Centre for Research & Technology Hellas; Fraunhofer Institute for Biomedical Engineering; Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas; International Observatory on End of Life Care; Karolinska Institutet; Vita-Salute San Raffaele University; University Hospital of Heraklion; Hannover Medical School; University Hospital Brno; Saarland University; Promotion Software GMBH; Atlantis Healthcare (UK) Ltd.; European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC); International Children’s Palliative Care Network (ICPCN); National School of Public Health
- Project type: H2020 Societal Challenges (Health)
- Implementation period: 1. 1. 2019 - 30. 6. 2022
- Budget: 3 999 308,75 EUR
- Project website: https://mypal-project.eu/
Project Description: MyPal aims to foster early palliative care for cancer patients by leveraging patient reported outcome (PRO) systems through their adaptation to the personal needs of the cancer patient and his/her caregiver(s). Through this intervention, MyPal aspires to empower cancer patients (and their family members) in capturing more accurately their conditions, communicate them with a seamless and effective way to their healthcare providers and, ultimately, foster the time for action through the rapid identification of important deviations in the patient’s state and QoL. Providing this information in a timely and comprehensive manner throughout the disease course will reinforce the potential for applying a patient-centred and integrated palliative care approach for cancer with the participation of all relevant healthcare providers (i.e. oncologists, specialized physicians, psychologists, nurses), which is necessary to cope with the specific disease. In order to accomplish its mission, MyPal will exploit technological advances on digital health to support patients, family members and healthcare providers in gaining value through this systematic and comprehensive PRO-based intervention. Overall, the foreseen advancement through MyPal reflects a paradigm shift from passive patient reporting based on conventional PRO approaches to active patient engagement and a closed-loop approach (bridging the gap between patient reporting and effective actions by healthcare providers to meet the varying patient needs) for coping with palliative care challenges in cancer. MyPal will demonstrate and validate the proposed intervention in two clinical studies, an RCT for adults with hematologic cancers and an observational study for children suffering from solid tumors and hematologic malignancies, hence targeting different age groups and cancer types. The clinical studies will be conducted in diverse healthcare settings in 6 clinical sites from 5 European countries.
Healthcare Alliance for Resourceful Medicines Offensive Against Neoplasms in Hematology-Plus
- Principal Investigator: Prof. Šárka Pospíšilová, Ph.D.
- Project partners: FUNDACION INSTITUTO DE ESTUDIOS DE CIENCIAS DE LA SALUD DE CASTILLA Y LEON (project coordinator); Fundación para la Investigación del Hospital Universitario La Fe de la Comunidad Valenciana (HULAFE) (project co-coordinator); NOVARTIS (project leader); CELGENE (project CO-leader)
- Project type: H2020 Societal Challenges (IMI2)
- Implementation period: 01. 10. 2020 - 30. 09. 2023
- Budget: 11 882 669 EUR
- Project website: https://www.harmony-alliance.eu/
Project Description: Haematology covers a wide range of diseases, both malignant and non-malignant, being most of them rare. This fact makes extremely challenging reaching a critical mass of data since patients are spread over different hospitals and different countries. As a consequence, to improve patients’ care, it is absolutely necessary to harmonise and compare results from patients suffering from the same disorder.
The establishment of a unique and mature Big Data Platform for haematological malignancies (HMs) has already been reached by HARMONY Alliance, a European Network of Excellence that stores, harmonises and analyses high valuable data to improve the quality of care of many patients suffering from HMs with unmet needs.
The consolidation and expansion of this platform by HARMONY PLUS will be a step forward for providing the right treatment at the right time to patients with HMs. Besides, HARMONY PLUS will permit a more efficient development, regulatory evaluation, and access appraisal of newer more efficient and personalised treatments, leading to an improvement in the poor outcome of most patients with HMs.
HARMONY: Healthcare alliance for resourceful medicines offensive against neoplasms in hematology
- Principal Investigator: Prof. Šárka Pospíšilová, Ph.D.
- Acronym: HARMONY
- Project partners: FUNDACION INSTITUTO DE ESTUDIOS DE CIENCIAS DE LA SALUD DE CASTILLA Y LEON (project coordinator); Fundación para la Investigación del Hospital Universitario La Fe de la Comunidad Valenciana (HULAFE) (project co-coordinator); NOVARTIS (project leader); CELGENE (project CO-leader)
- Project type: H2020 Societal Challenges (IMI)
- Implementation period: 1. 1. 2017 - 31. 12. 2021
- Budget: 42 205 587,60 EUR
- Project website: https://www.harmony-alliance.eu/
Project Description: The HARMONY Alliance is a public-private European Network of Excellence, established in January 2017. Our mission is to unlock and spread valuable knowledge on hematologic malignancies (blood cancers) among a large number of stakeholders, with the goal to harness and mine Big Data to speed up the development of improved treatments for patients and more effective treatment strategies. We currently have 53 Partners and 37 Associated Members from 22 countries, including 8 pharmaceutical companies and 7 European Patient Umbrella Organizations.

Phone: | +420 54949 8762 |
Email: | ivana.chalupova@ceitec.muni.cz |
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