Projects Developing CEITEC Research Infrastructure
CEITEC Research infrastructure is mainly represented by Core Facilities, which offer access to high-end instrumentation, services, and expertise of the skilled staff. Financing of this infrastructure is very expensive, and therefore, the support at the level of national and international projects is necessary for the operation as well as future development.

H2020 Research Infrastructures
4 projects: iNEXT-Discovery, EPIC-XS, EOSC-Life, ELIXIR-Converge

OP VVV Research Infrastructures
7 projects: CIISB, CIISB UP, Czech-BioImaging, Czech-BioImagingII, ELIXIR-CZ, NCLG II, CEITEC Nano+

MEYS Large Research Infrastructures
5 projects: CIISB, Czech-BioImaging, ELIXIR-CZ, EATRIS-CZ, NCLG

1 project: InnoCore

Instruct-ERIC R&D project
1 project: Development of bioreactor for real-time in-cell NMR

1 project: IO - Software for Exascale Architecture

Interreg AT-CZ
RIAT-CZ - finished project