MEYS Mobility
Bilateral projects: 2 projects

Czech-French research projects

Czech-Polish research projects
Project number | Project title | Principal investigator at CEITEC MU |
8J20FR022 | Molecular pathways of H3-H4 histone chaperones in plants | Mgr. Martina Dvořáčková, Ph.D. |
The Tender Document is to be found here.
Project number | Project title | Principal investigator at CEITEC MU |
8JPL19045 | Encapsulation of potential metal drugs to supramolecular cages | prof. RNDr. Radek Marek, Ph.D. |
The Tender Document is to be found here.
Romana Penčevová Project Administrator - Specialist

Phone: | +420 54949 4279 |
E-mail: | romana.pencevova@ceitec.muni.cz |
Office: |