OP VVV (Operational Programme Research, Development and Education)
Operational Programme Research, Development and Education (OP RDE) is multiannual thematic programme managed by Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic (MEYS), which allows budget spending from the European structural and investment funds (ESIF) between 2014 and 2020. The aim is to contribute to a structural shift of the Czech Republic towards economics based on the educated, motivated and creative work force, and on production of quality research outcomes and their exploitation for the competitiveness.
OP RDE is focused on:
- the improvement of the education quality; the assurance of conditions for quality research; the interconnection between education, research and labour market; and strengthening the equal access to education;
- lowering the probability of youths failing within the educational system which has impact on the quality life and success at the labour market;
- the support of quality life improvement, education and training effectivity, equality, social togetherness and active citizenship, improvement of the creativity and innovative approach, and business development at all level of education.
Support for Excellent Research Teams

Long-term Intersectoral Cooperation

Excellent Research

Development of human resources in research and development